Saturday, October 21, 2006

Giggle My Grundel

Red Bull has been hosting these Flugtag competitions in cities all over the country for at least a few years, but if you've never been to one before, it's worth heading to Baltimore this weekend to catch the silliness of it all. Teams from all over the world will be bringing their homemade, human-powered flying machines to a 25-foot ramp above Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, and jumping off. If you go, make sure to take some photos and tag with DCist on Flickr so we can giggle along with you.

Sommer Mathis
Out and About: Weekend picks
October 20, 2006

So let me get this straight; to show me up, you’re sending your minions of Flickr obsessed DCist ass kissers, who add the “DCist” tag to their photos, hoping their images will be graced on the pages of your obnoxious f**king blog, for your obnoxious f**king readers, in your obnoxious f**king city, to Baltimore, to watch some retards jump into the harbor wearing goofy outfits to promote some national dreck soda in a national touring “competition,” and you’re encouraging them to take pictures, and add the DCist tag - again, to show me up - and you think you’re the ones who are going to be giggling?


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