Monday, October 09, 2006

Simple Rules

Maybe (in the minds of some people[a link to dcistgohome]) it's verboten for DCist to hype anything coming from our neighbors to the north, but Baltimore indie-rock-folk-pop outfit Private Eleanor are worth checking out. They'll be at The Red and The Black with The Fake Accents and fellow Marylanders Airport Blvd. $8.

Har-de-dar. Dumbasses, of course you’re well within your realm of influence/jurisdiction/whatever to list and/or promote events that occur at bars or venues in DC or its metropolitan area. Whether a band or an artist that happens to be performing in or around DC is actually from Baltimore is completely immaterial. It is immaterial, obviously, because such a performer does not reflect either negatively or positively on the Washington community at large. What would have been unacceptable would be for you to have stated or inferred that such a band was local to the DC area or to have written something along the lines of one of our area’s acts or otherwise delusionally smug and self-congratulatory. In this instance, you were only smug, so as far as I’m concerned, we’re golden. Smugness, on the part of a Washingtonian, is to be expected.

Other instances where it is acceptable for DCist to make reference to Baltimore or its institutions:

  • Anything that occurs in Baltimore that is of vital or crucial importance in regards to Maryland politics. For instance, when either Ehrlich or O’Malley exploit Baltimore and our reputation in either of their campaigns for governor, I feel you are well within your rights to address such matters. You have approximately three million people within your media market area to which such matters are important. I am not completely unfair. I am sure there are instances when LAist addresses such matters that occur in the San Francisco area, and visa versa... and Austin and Houston as well. Use their practices as guidelines. As long as you attach some sort of “our neighbors to the north” amendment, you will never receive any bitching from my end.

  • Peter Angelos hating. You have every reason in the world to have a giant hate-on hard-on for Peter Angelos. So do we. Our reasons just happen to be different. Feel free to rhetorically piss in his mouth as often as you like.

  • These are give-yous on my part: Howard County and those parts of Anne Arundel County including Annapolis and parts south. If you are likely to find anymore than one Redskins or Nationals fan out of hundred people in an area that is considered a shared suburb of our metropolitan areas, I say you can have them. Any area that is likely to support one such person out of a hundred is dead to me anyway.

Otherwise, just do us both a favor and stay the f**k out.


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