Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Return of the Know Nothings

As I said a week or two ago, I feel DCist is more than well within their rights to address Baltimore City, Baltimore County, or any other part of the state for that matter when the subject is Maryland politics. But, in those cases when they do choose to address this area, I would be nice if they knew what the hell they were talking about. For instance, check out Martin Austermuhle’s (and/or Alex Hogan?) little snippet on the Maryland gubernatorial race in DCist’s Election Guide 2006:

Maryland Governor: Poor Bob Ehrlich. The incumbent governor can’t get any respect in the Old Line State. Sure, most of his campaign promises, including legalizing slot machines, stronger penalties for gun crimes, and more money to public schools, crashed and burned in Annapolis. And yes, he has spent more time feuding with the Democratic-controlled Assembly (and the Baltimore Sun) than signing his name to bills. But things are going pretty well in Maryland, and most residents are satisfied with the state of the state and Ehrlich’s job performance. Even the Post thinks Bob should get another shot in the governor’s chair. Unfortunately, Ehrlich happens to be a registered Republican. And in a state that is 2-1 Democrat and where President George W. Bush’s approval ratings have dipped so low that he only really ever visits the state to go mountain biking in a private facility, it's not surprising that Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley (D) commands a 10-point lead over the incumbent, scary law and order commercials demonizing Charm City aside. Look for Baltimore County “Ehrlich Democrats” to return to the fold and secure a comfortable O’Malley victory.

No need to be concerned as to whether or not my opinion of DCist’s opinion is politically biased: I hate both their guts. I’m only concerned with the “facts” that DCist has provided.

First, “'s not surprising that Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley (D)commands a 10-point lead over the incumbent.”

ER?! Mind you, I think it is relevant to point out that DCist published this TODAY; only a day after the latest polls have shown that Ehrlich is within one or two points of O’Malley.

What the f**k are they talking about? Just yesterday, my best DCist bud, Fat F**k Jason Linkins, published the latest polls on the pages of DCist. Oh, yes, here are the latest polls.

And, second, “Look for Baltimore County “Ehrlich Democrats” to return to the fold and secure a comfortable O’Malley victory.”

Look at me laughing my ass of next week when Ehrlich handedly wins Baltimore County. I have no idea who will win this election, it looks to me as though that it could go either way (I suspect that dick-wad Ehrlich will pull it out and beat that rat-f**k O’Malley, but we’ll see...), but if O’Malley wins Baltimore County, I promise to title a post “I Am DCist’s Little Bitch.” It is a promise, I SWEAR..

Have they ever even met a Baltimore County Ehrlich Democrat?! On this, they have not a clue to the extreme. Perhaps they really should limit their coverage to the DC suburbs.


Blogger Gang of One said...

I don't buy the Sun's poll. Check out this poll done by O'Malley's camp.

I know O'Malley did it, but campaigns don't do bullshit polls. They can't afford to. If this poll was bad news for Martin they would have buried it instead of of mailing it out. It is a bigger sample than the Sun's and as we all know from statisitcs 101 a bigger sample means more accurate results.

On BC. Yeah Ehrlich will probably come out on top as there are a lot fo Republicans there, but face it. Bob won in 2002 cause Kennedy bombed big time in BC. O'Malley will not bomb there. Look at the O''Malley poll comparing how he is polling there with how Kennedy was doing. Ehrlich should be worried.

"Have they ever even met a Baltimore County Ehrlich Democrat?!"

Up until last year I taught High School in Baltimore County, so yes I have. Geez, instead spending all your time on this you could just set a Baltimorist blog.

Alex Hogan

5:10 PM  
Blogger dcistgohome said...

This is soooo much more fun for me than some “Baltimorist.”

Democrats constitute the significant majority in Baltimore County; and yet, they will go with Ehrlich... again. Typically, media endorsements don’t make or break an election; but the Washington Post endorsement is going to have a huge effect on this election by chipping away at O’Malley’s lead in Montgomery County in the last week, nullifying any gains O’Malley may have over Townsand in Baltimore County in the last election. If the majority of those who were going to go with O’Malley hated Ehrlich or his job performance, it would be a different matter, but they don’t. They were going to go with O’Malley just because he is the Dem... and they didn’t know much about him other than he is pretty. Now, with the WaPo endorsement, they’ll be considering whether they are really unhappy with Ehrlich’s performance. Many in Mont. will switch camps in the last week... and to understand a Montgomery County voter, one should look to Mass and NY and California, even died-in-the-wool Blue Staters like their executive and legislative to fight against each other.

Unfortunately, my Adobe reader can’t read the O’Malley poll for some reason.

But like I said, if I'm wrong about BC I'll say that I'm DCist's bitch... and even throw in a "I wanna be Jason Linkins girlfriend" for good measure.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Gang of One said...

Whatever floats your boat, though it seems rather obsesive-compulsive. I'm not a fan of the b-word either.

Anyways according to the Garin Hart Young Poll, Ehrlich is leading O'Malley in the Baltimore suburbs by 50% to 44%. In comparision, Townsend trailed 64% to 35% in 2002. Bad news for Bob.

The Post's endorsement might have meant something three or four years ago, but folks in MC are feeling mighty anti-Republican right now and I bet that they will want to punish Ehrlich for it. Kind of unfair, after Ehrlich didn't start the Iraq war, but that's the way it is. Even if you read the endorsement, its pretty tepid.

6:46 PM  
Blogger dcistgohome said...

there is no way a single blog devoted to trolling another blog won't seem OCD. I have many other interests. this takes maybe 3 minutes out of my day. well worth it.

I hear you on the anti-republican sentiment thing, but I still think we'll see a shrink in O'Malley's lead there in the next week. National party sentiment doesn't seem to effect gubanatorial elections nowadays the way they used to.

Like I said in the post, I still think this election could go either way. If O'Malley won by 4%, I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ehrlich won by 2%. We'll see.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Gang of One said...

"but if O’Malley wins Baltimore County, I promise to title a post “I Am DCist’s Little Bitch.” It is a promise, I SWEAR.."

According to CNN with %65 of the precincts reporting, O'Malley is leading Baltimore County 50% to 49%. But I'm jumping the gun, its too early. Will check on it tommorow morning to see if you will need to compose a new post.

11:33 PM  
Blogger dcistgohome said...

"According to CNN with %65 of the precincts reporting, O'Malley is leading Baltimore County 50% to 49%. But I'm jumping the gun, its too early. Will check on it tommorow morning to see if you will need to compose a new post."

heh. i hear you. I posted at the exact same time you were commenting.

1:12 AM  
Blogger Gang of One said...

Ouch, now with 80% of precincts voting, O'Malley has widened his lead in good old BC %52 to %47. You are DCist's little what now?

Alex Hogan

1:13 AM  
Blogger dcistgohome said...

heh. alright, alright already. I'll try to get up and check the results at 6. If I have to say it, I'll say it.

1:16 AM  

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