Sunday, April 13, 2008

And "Maryland Cookies" Too...

What The Eff?!

Pretty amusing post at DCist singing the praises of Maryland’s “Maryland Fried Chicken,” in one of those ‘just over the border’ pieces.

Nothing says picnic to us like a bucket of fried chicken, but next time you get a craving for that batter-fried goodness, consider instead the deep south’s delicious and elusive cousin: Maryland Fried Chicken.

Um... DOESN’T ACTUALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MARYLAND.” I guess that’s why it is so darned “elusive.”

Have you ever heard of English Muffins? NOT ENGLISH. Same sort of deal.

It’s funny how the restaurants marketing this Marylandless Maryland fried chicken are all just a metro ride away from D.C., as though they are selling their product to Washingtonians and inside-the-beltway “Marylanders” who think they are eating authentic Maryland cuisine.

So, how long will it be before DCist writes a post talking about how much they love Maryland Cookies? There’s no such thing as those either, by the way.

Are you even writing DCist from America? Because I’m finding it difficult to believe that you’re writing it from land that we gave you.